Satisfaction guaranteed

Returns & exchanges

If the product received does not meet your expectations, it is possible to exchange it or obtain a refund within ten (10) business days following the date the order was shipped. Return costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Custom-made products (flap with personalized embroidery, toga, jacket, lining, shirt, jewelry and others) are not exchangeable or refundable.

Shipping times

To learn about our shipping options, click here .

Rabat-Joies are not responsible for additional delays caused by the carrier.

Price adjustment

It is possible to request a price adjustment* when the order was placed within 24 hours before a promotion came into effect.

*If the order has already received a discount, it is not possible to obtain an additional adjustment.

Source: Consumer Protection Office

Product Warranty

Rabat-Joies guarantee the quality and durability of their products. If a product fails after the first two (2) years of use, contact to agree on the terms of repair or replacement.

Regarding jewelry, see below.


  • The jewelry is made in 925 sterling silver and 10K gold alloys.

  • The jewelry is made in Montreal by Marie Josée Pelletier Joaillière (hereinafter, the “Manufacturer”).

  • The Manufacturer undertakes to hallmark the jewelry to certify their authenticity and guarantee.

  • The customer understands that any abnormal use of jewelry (e.g.: sport, heavy load, moving, spas, climbing or other) may result in premature breakage which would not be guaranteed by the Manufacturer.

  • The customer understands that 925 sterling silver and metals added to 10K gold alloy oxidize in contact with air and light. With 925 sterling silver, this phenomenon can be accentuated when it is in contact with other metals or on certain people.

  • It is strongly recommended to store unworn jewelry in a place protected from air and light (airtight box or bag).


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

By using our website, you (the visitor) agree to allow third parties to process your IP address, in order to determine your location for the purpose of currency conversion. You also agree to have that currency stored in a session cookie in your browser (a temporary cookie which gets automatically removed when you close your browser). We do this in order for the selected currency to remain selected and consistent when browsing our website so that the prices can convert to your (the visitor) local currency.